Wednesday, June 01, 2016

Everyone’s moving on, but not Arsenal

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Arsene Wenger is still the manager of Arsenal. As has been the case for almost 20 years now and for the first 10 years, you’d have been mad to replace him. However the second 10 years have told a different story, with just two FA cup wins for the club and constant embarrassment within a title race, many have grown tired of Arsene Wenger and feel that it is time at last for a change.
However, despite the calls over recent years for the Frenchman to leave, the club seem to be no closer in taking action than ever before, much to the anger of the Arsenal support.
As I wrote previously, focusing on the , almost every top team has a new man in charge that is exciting and innovative. Or if not they already have the right man at the helm. But then there’s one North London club where change seems to be the last thing in the pipeline. Of course, I’m talking about Arsenal.
Now you could say that such a legend at a club deserves great respect and certainly that must be taken into account. The man is one of the most famous and successful managers within the English game, his achievements speak for themselves. But, and it’s as big as but as you will get now, every other club is moving on as we’ve already discussed. Everyone who has not reached their targets has moved on and employed a man arguably much more equipped for the task. Yes, Arsenal eventually finish second in the 2015/16, but that cannot hide the reality that they were never in contention for the league past January/February at the latest. They were only viewed as possible favourites as soon as Chelsea and Manchester United faded, but could not capitalise.
This is no new thing for Arsenal. Consistently for years they have failed to meet expectations, consistently finishing top four but not being within anywhere near of a shot of the title come the business end of the season. And so, if every club around them has acted upon this, then surely Arsenal are in danger of being left behind? The two Manchester clubs have appointed arguably the two most sought after bosses in the world. Chelsea, have yet another well-decorated manager with a recent track record of trophies. The big clubs have made statements of intent ready for busy summers to prep for the new season. Whereas Arsenal, well nothing seems to have changed at all.
It’s not to say that suddenly Arsenal will drop off and become a mediocre team. Their playing squad and resources are too impressive to suggest such a thing. But in terms of rivalling for the top honour in England, they are in grave danger of falling back while others just compete for the title above them. Their ambitions are without doubt higher than just to qualify for the Champions League every season, at least that’s what you’d expect of them anyway. The fans certainly want to see that improvement and bring home a first title in what will be 13 years the next time the trophy is lifted in May 2017. The club now need to match that ambition and perhaps, more importantly, prove it.
This isn’t a simple Wenger out call, the generic “his time is up” kind of write up. But a call to say that Arsenal may well be lacking that big statement their rivals have already made, the effective rally cry that says “we are coming back stronger, beware!” If the club back Wenger and trust him still then he has to deliver next season otherwise it will prove that Arsenal have let everyone else move forward while they have stagnated once again, which ultimately could cost them dearly. Wenger or no Wenger, Arsenal cannot let every other club take flight while they are left grounded.

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