Sunday, July 09, 2017

Orodha ya wagombea wa TFF waliyochujwa katika usahili.......Jamal Malinzi Kaondlewa

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Jumamosi ya July 8 2017 kamati ya uchaguzi ya shirikisho la soka Tanzania TFF ilikutana kwa mara ya kwanza baada ya kuvunjwa na kuundwa upya na kikao cha kamati ya utendaji ya TFF.

Baada ya kikao kumalizika na kufanya usahili wa wagombea wa nafasi zote na kuchuja, orodha ya wagombea waliyochujwa nafasi ya Urais ni pamoja na Rais wa sasa wa TFF Jamal Malinzi ambaye ameondolewa kwa sababu yuko Rumande

Taarifa ya serikali kuhusu watumishi waliokata rufaa ya vyeti feki

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Watumishi wa umma waliowasilisha vyeti vyao vya kuhitimu kidato cha nne, cha sita na ualimu kwa ajili ya rufaa katika Baraza la Mitihani la Taifa (NETA) kuhusu zoezi la uhakiki, wanatakiwa kuwasiliana na waajiri wao ili kupewa matokeo ya hatma ya rufaa kuhusu uhalali wa vyeti vyao.

Ipo taarifa inayosambaa katika mitandao mbalimbali ikiwa ni majina ya wanaodaiwa kuwa watumishi wa umma na maeneo yao ya kazi ikiwa na kinachodaiwa matokeo ya rufaa zilizokatwa kuhusu uhalali wa vyeti vya elimu kwa wahusika. Wananchi na watumishi wote wanaelezwa kuwa, serikali inao utaratibu rasmi wa kutoa taarifa na mawasiliano.

Taarifa inayosambazwa haijatolewa na serikali na ipuuzwe.

Imetolewa na Kitengo cha Mawasiliano Serikali,

Ofisi ya Rais-Utumishi,


Mwananchi Mmoja Auawa kwa Kupigwa Risasi Kibiti

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Mkazi mmoja wa kitongoji cha Nyambwanda kilichopo katika Kijiji cha Hanga wilayani Kibiti aliyetambulika kwa jina la Hamis Ndikanye (54) ameuawa kwa kupigwa risasi na watu wasiojulikana usiku wa kuamkia  Jumamosi akiwa nyumbani kwake.

Kwa mujibu wa maelezo ya ndugu wa marehemu alijitambulisha kwa jina la Hamis Saidi amesema watu kama watano wakiwa na bunduki walifika nyumbani kwa ndugu yake saa 6 usiku, kisha kufanya mauaji hayo.

Alisema kabla ya kufanya mauaji hayo walimfunga mke wa marehemu kitambaa usoni na kisha kumpiga risasi mbili mume wake.

Mganga wa Kituo cha Afya Kibiti Dk Sadock Bandiko amesema Ndikaye alipigwa risasi mbili mwilini mwake, moja kichwani na nyingine mgongoni.

Kamanda wa Polisi mkoa wa Kipolisi wa Rufiji, Onesmo Lyanga, amesema polisi wako  eneo la tukio kwa ajili ya uchunguzi.

Waziri Mkuu Atembelea Mradi Wa Kinyerezi II

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WAZIRI MKUU Kassim Majaliwa ametembelea mradi ya kuzalisha umeme wa Kinyerezi II na kusema kwamba ameridhishwa na maendeleo ya ujenzi wake.

Amesema hayo jana (Jumamosi, Julai 08, 2017) alipotembelea mradi huo wa kuzalisha umeme kwa kutumia gesi asilia unaojengwa eneo la Kinyerezi jijini Dar es Salaam.

Waziri Mkuu alisema kukamilika kwa mradi huo kutaliwezesha Taifa kuwa na umeme wa uhakika, utakaowezesha kuendesha viwanda.

Alisema mkakati wa Serikali ni kuongeza kiwango cha uzalishaji wa umeme ili Watanzania wapate umeme mwingi utakaosambazwa hadi vijijini kwa gharama nafuu.

“Tunataka tupate umeme wa kutosha ili viwanda vitakavyojengwa viwe na nishati ya uhakika na ya gharama nafuu. Ni wajibu wetu kuendelea kuimarisha utekelezaji wa miradi hii.” Alisema.

Naye, Meneja wa Mradi wa kuzalisha umeme wa Kinyerezi, Mhandisi Stephen Manda alisema gharama za mradi wa Kinyerezi II ni dola milioni 344.

Meneja huyo alisema tayari mradi huo umefikia asilimia 66.32 ya ujenzi wake na sasa wako katika hatua mbalimbali za kukamilisha, ikiwemo ujenzi wa misingi ya mitambo na jengo la kuendeshea mitambo.

“Pia tunaendelea na ujenzi wa nguzo za kupokelea laini ya msongo wa kilovoti 220 kutoka Kinyerezi I hadi Kinyerezi II, ambapo mtambo wa kwanza wa megawati 30 utawashwa ifikapo Desemba 2017 na kila mwezi tutaingiza megawati 30 katika gridi ya Taifa.”

Alisema miradi iliyoko katika eneo hilo ambayo iko katika hatua mbalimbali za utekelezaji ni Kinyerezi 1 (150MW), Kinyerezi I Extension (185MW ) na Kinyerezi II (240MW).

Mhandisi Manda aliongeza kuwa mradi wa Kinyerezi 1 (150MW) ulikamilika Machi 2015 na miradi mwili ya Kinyerezi 1-extension na Kinyerezi II inatarajiwa kukamilika mwaka 2018.

Mhandisi Manda alisema miradi mingine inayotarajiwa kujengwa katika eneo hilo ni wa Kinyerezi III (600 MW) na Kinyerezi IV utakaozalisha (450 MW).

Awali Mkuu wa Wilaya ya Ilala, Bi. Sophia Mjema ambaye alimuwakilisha Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Dar es Salaam, Bw. Paul Makonda alisema mradi huo umewanufaisha wananchi wengi wa eneo hilo.

Alisema hadi sasa wananchi 100 wa eneo la Kinyerezi wameajiriwa katika miradi hiyo ambapo ni sawa na asilimia 40 ya watumishi wote.

Bi. Sophia alisema mbali na ajira pia wananchi wa eneo hilo watanufaika kwa kuboreshewa huduma mbalimbali za kijamii katika eneo hilo zikiwemo za maji na elimu ambapo wameahidiwa kupewa madawati ya shule tano

Jeshi La Polisi Laua Watu 6 Jijijini Mwanza.......Ni Majambazi Hatari Yaliyokuwa Yametoroka Kibiti Na Kuingia Mwanza

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Majambazi sita wameuawa kwa kupigwa risasi sehemu mbalimbali za miili yao na Jeshi la Polisi baada ya kutokea majibizano ya risasi kati ya polisi na majambazi hao na kupatikana silaha moja aina ya AK 47 na nyingine nne zilizotengenezwa kienyeji.

Kamanda wa Polisi Mkoa wa Mwanza, DCP Ahmed Msangi amesema tukio hilo limetokea usiku wa Julai 8, 2017,  katika mtaa wa Fumagila mashariki kata ya Igoma wilaya ya Ngamagana mkoani Mwanza baada ya kupokea taarifa kwa kwamba baadhi ya watu wanaofanya uhalifu katika mkoa wa Pwani wilaya ya Kibiti na Rufiji wamekimbilia mkoani humo wakijipanga kutengeneza vikundi vya kufanya uhalifu.

Kamanda Msangi amesema katika ufuatiliaji walifanikiwa kumkamata mtuhumiwa mmoja ambaye katika mahojiano alikiri kuhusika na tukio la unyang'anyi kwa kutumia silaha, kisha alitoa ushirikiano kwa askari ambapo aliwapeleka hadi eneo la Fumagila ambapo alidai wenzake wamejificha eneo hilo, ghafla majambazi hao walikurupuka na kuanza kuwarushia askari polisi risasi.

Aidha, kutokana na umahiri wa askari hao waliweza kujibu mashambulizi na kufanikiwa kuwauwa majambazi sita huku wengine wawili wakifanikiwa kutoroka eneo la tukio lakini polisi walifanikiwa kukamata silaha kadhaa na vitu vingine.

Pamoja na hayo, DCP Msangi amesema hakuna askari aliyejeruhiwa kwa risasi wala kupoteza maisha katika tukio hilo huku akisisitiza kuwa ufuatiliaji wa kusaka na kuwatia nguvuni waliotoroka bado unaendelea.

Shuhuda wa tukio hilo, ambaye ni diwani wa Kata ya Kishili iliyo jirani na kata hiyo, Sospeter Ndumi amesema kurushiana risasi baina ya watu hao na polisi kulianza usiku wa manane hadi majira ya jana asubuhi.

Amesema katika majibizano hayo polisi walifanikiwa kuwaua watu hao na kukamata silaha mbalimbali za kivita walizokuwa wanazitumia.

Katika mtaa huo huo ndipo lilipotokea tukio la Desemba 3 mwaka jana ambapo polisi waliwakamata watoto 11 wenye umri unaokadiriwa kuwa na miaka sita hadi 14 baada ya kuizingira nyumba moja kwa lengo la kuwakamata watu waliowahisi kuwa majambazi.

Mmoja kati ya watu watatu waliokutwa kwenye nyumba hiyo alikimbia baada ya kuwarushia polisi bumu la mkono, kabla ya polisi kuwadhibiti waliosalia kwa kushirikiana na wananchi wa mtaa huo.

Kadhalika katika tukio hilo, watu watatu waliosadikiwa kuwa ni majambazi waliuawa na bunduki mbili aina ya SMG na AK47, magazine saba, bastola moja na risasi 183 vilikamatwa na polisi.

Baada ya polisi kuondoka katika eneo hilo, wananchi waliiteketeza nyumba hiyo kwa moto.

Habari Zilizopo Katika Magazeti ya Leo Jumapili ya July 9

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Saturday, July 08, 2017

Lowassa Amlilia Waziri wa Usalama Kenya

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Waziri Mkuu wa zamani, Edward Lowassa ametuma salamu la rambirambi kufuatia kifo cha Waziri wa usalama wa Kenya, Meja mstaafu Joseph Nkaissery aliyefariki ghafla katika hospitali ya Karen iliyopo Nairobi muda mfupi baada ya kupelekwa kwa uchunguzi.

Meja Joseph Nkaissery alipelekwa hospitali kwa ajili ya kufanyiwa uchunguzi wa kiafya kabla ya umauti kumkuta, Mkuu wa Utumishi wa Umma wa Kenya Joseph Kinyua amethibitisha kutokea kwa kifo cha Waziri wa Ulinzi wa Kenya.

Baada ya taarifa hizo kusambaa Waziri Mstaafu Edward Lowassa amesema Nkaissery alikuwa ni rafiki mzuri na kiongozi mzuri na wakupigiwa mfano

"Natuma salamu zangu za pole kwa familia na watu wa Kenya kwa kumpoteza Waziri Joseph Nkaissery, alikuwa ni rafiki mzuri na kiongozi mzuri wa kupigiwa mfano, Mungu amumlaze mahali pema peponi" alisema Lowassa

Joseph Kasaine Ole Nkaissery alikuwa ni mwanasiasa wa Kenya, Mbunge kutoka mwaka 2002 mpaka 2014 na baadaye aliteuliwa kuwa Waziri wa usalama wa Kenya mpaka kifo chake, mbali na hilo Nkaissery alikuwa kiongozi Mkuu wa jamii ya Maasai nchini Kenya.

Bodi ya mikopo yajipanga kutangaza vigezo vya wanufaika

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Bodi ya Mikopo ya Wanafunzi wa Elimu ya Juu (HESLB) imesema hivi karibuni itatangaza sifa na vigezo vitakavyotumika kuwapangia wanafunzi mikopo ya elimu ya juu kwa mwaka wa masomo 2017/2018 unaotarajia kuanza miezi michache ijayo.

Ufafanuzi huo umetolewa jaa (Ijumaa, Julai 7, 2017) jijini Dar es Salaam na Mkurugenzi Msaidizi wa Habari, Elimu na Mawasiliano wa HESLB, Dk Cosmas Mwaisobwa wakati akijibu maswali ya baadhi ya wateja waliotembelea Banda la HESLB katika Viwanja vya Mwalimu Nyerere ambako HESLB inashiriki katika Maonyesho ya 41 ya Kimataifa ya Biashara.

“Tunakamilisha mwongozo wa utoaji mikopo kwa mwaka ujao wa masomo na tumepanga kabla ya mwisho wa mwezi huu wa Julai tuwe tumeutangaza na tumefungua mtandao wetu ili waombaji wenye sifa waombe,” alisema Dk Mwaisobwa.

Dk Mwaisobwa amewataka waombaji wa mikopo watarajiwa wawe watulivu na kufuatilia kwa karibu vyombo vya habari na tovuti ya HESLB ( ambayo huwa na kiunganishi (link) cha mfumo wa kuombea mkopo.

Awali, katika maonesho hayo, baadhi ya wananchi wanaotarajia kuomba mikopo ya elimu ya juu wamepata fursa ya kuuliza maswali mbalimbali yakiwemo tarehe ambayo Bodi itaanza kupokea maombi ya mikopo kwa mwaka wa masomo 2017/2018.

Maswali mengine yaliyoulizwa ni kama utaratibu wa udahili kupitia vyuoni moja kwa moja utaathiri upatikanaji mikopo, wengine walitaka kupata elimu zaidi kuhusu taratibu za urejeshaji wa mikopo.

Akifafanua kuhusu maswali hayo, Dkt. Mwaisobwa alisema Sheria iliyoanzisha HESLB, pamoja na mambo mengine, inamtaka mnufaika kuanza kurejesha mkopo wake miezi 24 baada ya kuhitimu masomo.

Mkurugenzi huyo wa HESLB alisema kuwa sheria hiyo inamtaka mwajiri yeyote kuwasilisha kwa HESLB majina ya waajiriwa wake wote ambao ni wahitimu wa taasisi za elimu ya juu ndani ya siku 28 baada ya kuwaajiri na Bodi itamjulisha kama ni wanufaika au hapana pamoja na utaratibu na kiwango cha kumkata mnufaika. 

Dk Mwaisobwa aliwataka wananchi kutembelea banda la HESLB kwa kuwa Bodi ya Mikopo itaendelea kuonyesha shughuli zake kwenye banda lake lililopo ndani, Banda la Benjamin Mkapa (Namba 19&20) hadi mwisho wa maonyesho hayo, tarehe 13 Julai, 2017.

MTANZANIA Anayeigiza Kama 'YESU' Asimulia yanayomkuta

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Msanii wa kuigiza Ayoub ambaye katika tamthilia ya 'Jambo na vijambo' anaigiza kama Yesu amefunguka na kusema kuigiza kama Yesu katika tamthilia hiyo inamletea shida kwa baadhi ya watu ambao siyo waelewa.

Ayoub alisema hayo alipokuwa akihojiwa katika kipindi cha eNewz na kudai kuwa kuna wakati hata majirani waligombana na mkewe na hawakutaka kusemeshana naye kwa kuwa mumewe anamuuigiza 'Yesu'

"Hata mke wangu kishagombana na watu kwa sababu tu ya mimi kuigiza kama Yesu, wanamwambia mumewe anamgeza mtume wetu Yesu wetu kwa hiyo usinisemeshe, mke wangu akaja kunipa mimi hizo habari nikabaki kucheka tu, lakini katika ule u serious zaidi sijaona kama kumetokea tatizo kubwa mimi ni muislam lakini yapo makanisa yananiita nikawasaidie kutengeneza kazi ya sanaa baada ya kuniona kwenye kile kipindi, kwa hiyo wenyewe wakristo ambao wamezama kwenye imani kuniona naigiza kama Yesu hawafikirii vibaya sababu hata nachoigiza mle ndani kinaendana na yale aliyokuwa anatenda Yesu, hivyo huwezi kuona amefanya jambo lolote baya yule muhusika wa Yesu ambaye ni mimi" alisema Ayoub

Mbali na hilo Ayoub anasema watu ambao wanakuwa na mtazamo hasi juu ya uhusika wake kama Yesu ni wachache sana ukifananisha na wale ambao wanafurahia kwani mambo mengi ambayo anafanya muhusika ni mambo ya msingi.

"Hata ukiangalia kwenye ukurasa wa facebook wa EATV tukiweka post akitokea mtu ambaye atazungumza vibaya juu ya 'character' Yesu wapo watu wengine wanakuja kumsema sana na kumuelewesha vizuri juu ya uhusika wa Yesu, kwa hiyo utaona watu wanaozungumza uzuri wanashinda kutokana na mazuri ambayo muhusika amefanya" alisema Ayoub

Kipindi cha Jambo na Vijambo kinaruka kila Jumapili kuanzia saa 12:30 jioni katika ting'a namba moja kwa vijana EATV

HAMISA Amchokonoa Zari, Ajiita 'Mama Dee...'

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Mrembo Hamisa Mobetto anazidi kuzichukua headlines tangu ilipojulikana kuwa ni mjamzito mpaka ujauzito wake kuhusishwa na Diamond Platnumz mpenzi na mzazi mwenzake na Zari The BossLady na raundi hii amepost picha akiwa Nairobi na kuandika Mama Dee..?

Wanasema mwenye macho haambiwi tazama..

JACK Wolper Aweweseka Juu ya Mpenzi Wake Mpya

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KWA kuonyesha ni kumpa dongo mpenzi wake wa zamani, staa mwenye mvuto wa kipekee Bongo Muvi, Jacqueline Wolper amesema kuwa katu hawezi kumuweka hadharani mpenzi wake mpya kwa kuogopa kuibiwa tena na wazungu.

Staa huyo alituma dongo hilo kupitia mtandao wake wa Snapchat, ambapo alikuwa akisema kuwa, anatamani sana kumuweka hadharani mpenzi wake huyo mpya lakini anaogopa kunyakuliwa tena na wakware wa kizungu kama alivyofanyiwa kwa mpenzi wake aliyepita ambaye ni mwanamuziki wa Bongo Fleva.

Star Mix hili lilimtafuta Wolper ambaye baada ya kubanwa kutaka kujua jina la bwana huyo aliyenaye alianza kwa kuangua kicheko na kusema kuwa kuna wakati mwingine mtu anazungumza kufurahisha watu wacheke lakini si kwamba kuna mtu kweli kwa sasa.

“Jamani kuna kipindi mtu unawafanya watu wafurahi na kucheka sio kila unachozungumza mtu kiwe cha kweli.”

Jini Kabula Adaiwa Kuzua Timbwili Hotelini

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 MSANII wa filamu Bongo, Miriam Jolwa ‘Jini Kabula’ juzikati alidaiwa kuzua timbwili la aina yake kwenye Hoteli ya Lamada iliyopo Ilala jijini Dar baada ya tatizo alilolipata siku chache zilizopita la kudata kiakili kudaiwa kujirudia.

Kwa mujibu wa chanzo chetu kilichokuwepo hotelini hapo, mwanadada huyo alienda Lamada kumfuata msanii mwenzake Esha Buheti ambaye ndiye shosti wake mkubwa kwa sasa lakini alipoambiwa hayupo, ndipo alipowaanzishia timbwili wahudumu.

“Alizua timbwili la aina yake, ikabidi watu waliokuwa eneo la tukio wafanye kazi ya ziada kumtuliza.

“Baadaye ikabidi wamdanganye kwamba Esha yupo Muhimbili kapelekwa kujifungua, ndipo akacharuka tena akitaka apelekwe hukohuko akamuone, hawakumpeleka ila waliamua kumpakiza kwenye gari na kumzungusha maeneo mbalimbali ya jiji ili awe sawa,” alidai sosi huyo. Ikazidi kudaiwa kuwa, baada ya kuona ana nafuu kidogo waliamua kumpeleka Mbagala ambako ndiko ndugu zake waliko.

Baada ya kuinyaka ishu hiyo, paparazi wetu alimvutia waya mtu wa karibu na Kabula ambaye ni mzazi mwenziye, Tuesday Kihangala `Mr. Chuz’ ambaye alieleza kuwa, amepewa taarifa na ndugu wa mwanadada huyo kwamba bado hayupo sawa kiakili na anatafakari jinsi ya kumsaidia ili aweze kupona kabisa. “Leo (juzi) hii ndugu zake wamenitaarifu kwamba bado hajawa sawa na hali yake inawachanganya sana, walinipa niongee naye ili niamini, yaani anaongea maneno mengi mfululizo, kwa kweli anahitaji matibabu ya kina kabla ugonjwa haujakolea,” alisema Chuz.

Jini Kabula hivi karibuni alilazwa katika Hospitali ya Taifa ya Muhimbili akidaiwa kuchanganyikiwa akili lakini siku chache baadaye alipata nafuu na kuruhusiwa kurudi nyumbani kabla ya juzi mambo kudaiwa kuharibika tena.

Source: Global Publisher

Monday, June 20, 2016

6 Reasons Why Your Long Time Boyfriend Will Never Marry You (Must Read Ladies)

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21 June 2016
1. He has enjoyed every part of you :
Nobody likes to eat rice all the time or beans, consumers always change taste in this case guys are the consumers. He has been strafing you for months and years same Kitty-Cat, same bo-obs.
The guy got to change taste.
2. All you bring is your problem or family’s for discussion :
Most girls do this, when they start a topic it must be about something the guy has to do for me,mostly financial problems. Sooner or later the guy will run away from liability. As if is only girls that have problem in this world.
3. You have collected the BRIDE PRICE already :
The money some guys spend on GF is enough to pay her bride price for 20 consecutive years, iPhone 6 price can even build a mansion in her village.
4. When you keep male friends like movie collection :
There is probability that out of every 6 male friends a girl keeps, there is a Side-guy or BF amongst them
5. When he discovers he is not the true landlord of the honey-pot;
Guys always have ears around their GF even side-chick.whenever he heard you have a main guy from family and friends. He won’t dump you but turn you to se x slave and will never marry you.

Ten Romantic Activities to Inspire Couples

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21 June 2016
If you’re wanting to know how you can be more romantic in your relationship, you’ve come to the right place. The sky’s the limit when it comes to inspiring romance. Assigning high priority to daily acts of romance strengthens bonds, and enhances the quality of long-term partnerships. This article aims to give romantic relationship advice and offers ten powerful romance-boosting activities to get lovers started.

Defining romance
Most people think of “romance” as those cliché’ activities such as watching the sunset together, candlelit dinners, or drinking wine by a roaring fire. While those activities are indeed romantic, the idea is to initiate small but meaningful acts that demonstrate love and adoration.
Romantic activities can be simple, such as, picking a rose for your partner occasionally, or strategically hidden love note. They can also be elaborate, like planning surprise vacations, or decorating the house with candy chains and rose petals.
Whether big or small, it’s the actions you perform consciously, made for the express purpose of saying “I love you”.
What you should know about romance:
1.It creates opportunities for partners to spend time together and enhances bonds
2. It strengthens intimacy; bringing about physiological chemicals associated with love
3. It allows for increased communication
4. It allows for humor, entertainment, and adventure
5. It creates a constant reminder of love and adoration
6. It keeps things fresh and lively, (especially important over the long-term)
7. It helps partners get to know one another
8. It promotes and reconstitutes feelings of respect and reciprocity
9. It makes for suspense, anticipation, and fun
10. A truly romantic relationship will be virtually devoid of boredom
How can I start incorporating romance into my relationship?
While it is never too late to get started, proactive couples may implement romantic activities early on. In doing so, romance can become a natural part of your connection which may last for years to come.
Below we’ve listed ten techniques for your convenience. While these ideas are yours to use as you like, remember it is best to use these as a guide, adapting them, embellishing or improvising them, as well as coming up with some of your own. Remember that romantic things to do must be creative, adaptive, and fun.
Here are some romantic ideas for him and her that can be adopted easily:
1. Gift-Giving: Abide by the rule that gifts should always be wrapped. A tip to help those out there with busy lives is to stock up on gifts, hiding them so they may be brought out when the time is right. Appropriate times in which to give an unwrapped gift lies in the presentation, for example: a necklace can be strung around a teddy bear, or an engagement ring in the bottom of a champagne glass.
2. Greeting cards: A greeting card can be given with almost any gift, and keeping a stockpile of them may come in handy when you don’t have time to shop. They may be accompanied by flowers, chocolates, balloons, a stuffed animal, or other gift.
3. Mail order subscriptions: Does your partner like chocolate, lingerie, perfume? Many companies offer clubs or memberships, which send off samples monthly by mail.
4. Wash his feet: Grab a tub of hot soapy water and a loofah; wash his feet, dry them, and then continue about your business. He will be honored and speechless.
5. Professional massage: You can massage your partner yourself, or if you’re not confident in your skills, set up an appointment for two at a spa or massage parlor. The two of you will enjoy having a relaxing massage together.
6. Poetry and music: If you’re creative, write a one page poem about your partner and have it written in calligraphy and framed. Or, see how you can have an album by his favorite musician autographed and mailed.
7. Photo album: Put together a secret photo album that serves as a memoir of you and your partner’s lives together. It can have baby pictures of each of you, then a timeline represented by pictures of you before you met, while courting, and into the present. Once finished, you can spend hours reminiscing over your memories.
8. Towel in the dryer: Towel him or her off with a pre-warmed towel after a shower or bath. They are guaranteed to love it.
9. Surprise scavenger hunt: Hide a series of notes strategically around the house with riddles. Your partner will go nuts figuring out each riddle and locating each new clue. At the end of the scavenger hunt, a prize should be waiting.
10. Candy notes: If your partner likes candy, you can leave all sorts of quippy but cheesy notes with candy. A pack of Red Hots can say “I’m hot for you”, or hershey’s kisses can be used as coupons for “kisses” or other sensual favors.

9 powerful Sentences that Can Change Your Life

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20 June 2016
Here are 9 powerful sentences that can change your life for the better.

1. “Go where you’re celebrated, not where you’re tolerated.”

2.“The person that you will spend the most time with in your life is yourself, so you better try to make yourself as interesting as possible.”

3. “If you accept your limitations you go beyond them.”

4.“Everyone you meet is afraid of something, loves something, and has lost something”

5.“Comfort is the enemy of achievement.”

6.“The most dangerous risk of all – The risk of spending your life not doing what you want on the bet you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later”

7.“You learn more from failure than from success; don’t let it stop you. Failure builds character.”

8.“Climb mountains not so the world can see you, but so you can see the world.”

9.“People aren’t against you; they are for themselves.”

Manchester United Transfer News: Zlatan Ibrahimovic Rumours Discussed by Agent

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Manchester United Transfer News: Zlatan Ibrahimovic Rumours Discussed by Agent

Mino RaiolaZlatan Ibrahimovic's agent, has described the possibility of the striker joining Manchester United as a "beautiful thing" and believes he wants "revenge" on Manchester City boss Pep Guardiola after the pair fell out at Barcelona.
Moving to Manchester United would be a beautiful thing. It's a great team with a great coach. I've made my decision, but it has not yet taken.

He's really busy with the [European Championship]. Out of respect his country, the fans and the coach must be professional and concentrate on that.
I think he wants revenge on Guardiola, although he does not live for it because you shouldn't have two graves - one for him and one for the enemy.
You learn more from defeats than you do from victories, and Zlatan learned a lot from what happened with Guardiola.
As a person, I don't like him either. Zlatan admits he is a great coach and I can think it but refuse to admit it.
According to Anthony Jepson of the Manchester Evening News, the pair had a high-profile falling-out after the Swede's stint under him at the Camp Nou.
With his contract at Paris Saint-Germain set to expire, Ibrahimovic and his camp have been strongly hinting at a move to Old Trafford this summer, per the Guardian's Barney Ronay, but neither side has confirmed such a move, according to Bleacher Report UK's Jonathan Johnson:
As revealed, the forward enjoyed his best campaign yet in Ligue 1 last season:
Indeed, the 34-year-old defied his age and finished the year with 50 goals and 19 assists to his name in all competitions.
United legend Rio Ferdinand urged Premier League sides to consider him as a target this summer:
The Red Devils could benefit from those qualities in particular, having lost the swagger and winning mentality they once enjoyed under Sir Alex Ferguson.
After he played in Ligue 1—against a lower calibre of opposition than he'd face in the English top flight—some will doubt his ability to perform well in the Premier League at his age.
Ibra's poor outings at Euro 2016 thus far will have done little to change them of that idea.
However, as ESPN's Alex Shaw noted, he has little to work with in the Sweden side:
At United under Jose Mourinho, Ibrahimovic would have far better players supplying him with ammunition.
Against the stronger teams the Premier League has to offer, he won't replicate his goalscoring feats with PSG, but Ibrahimovic could still be a success.

West Ham are aiming to win the Premier League title next season, insists David Sullivan

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West Ham will start the new Premier League season with the aim of winning the title, according to David Sullivan.

The Hammers finished seventh last season, which represented the club's highest finish and best points tally in the Premier League era.
But Slaven Bilic's side are determined to continue to build on such success and the club's co-chairman has set his sights on replicating Leicester, who were crowned champions for the first time in their 132-year history last term.
"We all saw what Leicester did last season and we start the campaign with the aim of winning the Premier League," Sullivan told the club's official website.
"Anyone who says it can't be done only has to look at what Leicester achieved and it can be done.
"It is unlikely but that has to be our aim, along with the FA Cup and Capital One Cup.
"We have three trophies and we want to win all of them. We are also in Europe and we want to do well in that as well," Sullivan insisted.
West Ham have already strengthened significantly in the transfer market this summer with Havard Nordtveit and Sofiane Feghouli set to arrive from Borussia Monchengladbach and Valencia.
But Sullivan has echoed the sentiments of his manager and declared that the acquisition of a centre forward is key to the club's project ahead of their move to the Olympic Stadium.
"We are all excited about our big move into the new Stadium. The facilities will be so much better and I hope the atmosphere will be just as good there.
"Once we sign a top striker I will feel a lot better and that is the main position we need.
"Our top goalscorer last season scored 12 goals and if someone had scored 20 we would have been in a different position," he insisted.

Tottenham 'close to signing Victor Wanyama from Southampton'

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Tottenham are close to making Southampton's Victor Wanyama their first signing of the summer, after the two clubs agreed a fee over the weekend. 
Wanyama is set to undergo a medical on Monday, before potentially linking up with his former boss from St Mary's.
The fee, believed to be around £9million up front, could potentially reach up to £12m provided additional clauses are met. 
The 26-year-old was linked heavily with a move away from Southampton last summer, but no clubs were able to breach the Saints' resolve and Wanyama played a pivotal role in leading the club to a sixth-placed finish.
Pochettino is keen to bolster his midfield options ahead of the upcoming season, with the Argentine attempting to balance another Premier League title challenge with Champions League football.
The Kenyan has made 85 league appearances for the south coast club, and has one year remaining on his current Saints contract. 

Tottenham 'close to signing Victor Wanyama from Southampton' - reports

Tanzania/Algeria: Young Africans Suffer a 1-0 Defeat in Algeria

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Bejaia — Tanzania representatives in the African Confederation Cup championship, Young Africans has tonight suffered a 1-0 defeat from hosts MO Bejaia in group A match in Bejaia, Algeria.
DR Congo's TP Mazembe harvested three points after a 3-1 win against visitors Medeama of Ghana in another group A match on Sunday.
It took MO Bejaia 20 minutes to score the lone goal through Yacine Sahli. Sahli scored connecting a cross by Athumani that Yanga defenders failed to clear. Until half time, the hosts were on 1-0 lead.
In the second half, Yanga's left back; Oscar Joshua was substituted to Mwinyi Haji after sustaining injuries. Mwinyi was also sent off the game in injury time after being shown the second yellow card.
Head coach, Hans van der Pluijm substituted Deus Kaseke with Geofrey Mwashiuy, Amissi Tambwe to Matheo Anthony. The changes gave no changes to final results, though the Tanzania soccer giants dominated the game in the second half.
When a Moroccan referee blew the final whistle, results remained Mo Bejaia 1-0 Yanga.

Kenya: Varsity Student Crowned Miss Tourism

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Miss Tourism Kenya's Profile PhotoA
 22-year-old mass communication student is the fairest of them all. On Saturday, Ms Wendy Omolo from Homa Bay County was crowned Miss Tourism Kenya 2016 during a gala night held at Kidundu Stadium, Vihiga County.
Ms Omolo took home the coveted title in the finals against Uasin Gishu's Kezia Matakala and Winnie Chepng'etich from Bomet County.
Ms Matakala emerged second, winning an award in hospitality, while Ms Chepng'etich bagged the second runners up title award in investment.
Ms Omolo, a Moi University student awaiting graduation, was crowned in a ritzy ceremony and had been rated among top 10 contestants.
She also excelled in the peace and unity Award and formal dressing.
A sassy Omolo wore a red evening gown that went well with the occasion. Miss Omolo was crowned winner at 5.15am Sunday after beating a bevy of 41 lookers.
Asked why she decided to contest in a beauty pageant, she said: "When I am on stage or when I am doing my charity work, you see a different person. I love meeting people, I love travelling and I love going places," she said.
Ms Omolo plans to do charity work during her reign. The Sh100 million event brought together 3,000 people, among them more than 10 governors, led by Vihiga's Moses Akaranga. It ran through the night of Saturday June 18.
Also present was Cord leader Raila Odinga, Water Cabinet Secretary Eugene Wamalwa, Mining Cabinet Secretary Dan Kazungu and Miss Tourism Kenya Director Alice Kamunge.
Immediately she was named the winner, the crowd burst into song and dance, with delegations from the lake side county of Homa Bay joining her on the main dais.
She shed tears of joy and quickly said she was ready to take up the task of marketing Kenya's potential as a tourist and investment destination.
Renowned gospel artiste Mercy Masika entertained the lively crowd in the warm moonlit night. The event rolled over from Saturday night to Sunday morning with a host of comedians taking the stage to keep the guests entertained.
Participating counties were divided into nine regions that included the coast, great Nairobi, North Rift, South Rift, South Savanna, Northern Frontier, Western, Nyanza and Mt Kenya.
The winner took home a grand package of Sh1.2 million that included a destination of her choice.
Winners for various other categories were also awarded, with Murang'a County bagging the award for the region that was most voted for by the public after attaining 44,471 votes through short messaging service.
Mombasa's Miss Babylynn Mukila, who is deaf, received an award of honour for taking part in the competitions despite her disability. Mr Kazungu also awarded Miss Mukila for beating all odds to be part of the competition.
He said: "This is culture, integration, tourism and cohesion."
Mr Akaranga, who enumerated the various tourism attraction sites in Vihiga, said the event was welcome as it aimed at enabling all the communities in the country know each other and foster the spirit of one country.
"So many counties are here today. This is a sign of unity that must be embraced at all times," said Mr Akaranga.
Bomet Governor Isaac Ruto said: "It is devolution that has enabled us meet here today. This has never happened before in our country for the past 60 years. All the 42 tribes of Kenya are here today."
Officials from the Ministry of Tourism were conspicuously missing at the event with no representative sent to grace the event whose main agenda aims at advancing promotion of tourism.
This year's theme is 'Exploring our cultural heritage for social and economic development of our people'.