Saturday, July 20, 2013

Kenya: MPs Differ Over the Marriage Bill 2013

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    Kenya to legalise polygamy in a new proposed Marriage Bill.


MPs yesterday clashed on the fate of the Marriage Bill 2013 as it was formally introduced in the National Assembly.

MPs differed on whether to reduce its publication period from 14 to 12 days as one way of fast tracking its debate and enactment into law.

The House finally agreed to have the publication period reduced even as a section of MPs vehemently opposed the Bill in its entirety. Though the bill was coming to the National Assembly for the first reading, which is merely a formal introduction of a proposed law to the House, MPs jumped into its debate ignoring directions by Speaker Justine Muturi that they desist from debating until when it will be read for the second time in two weeks time. Bare Shill (Fafi) warned against rushing the bill saying it contained some clauses that require proper scrutiny. Women MPs however supported the bill saying their male counterparts should not be afraid of the proposed law.

Cecily Mbarire (Runyenjes) said women have been eagerly waiting for a law that will protect them in marriage."We are all looking forward to passing this Bill," said Mbarire.

Susan Mbinya (Machakos) called on men not to be scared of the bill as it is meant to protect the welfare of all spouses.Leader of Majority Aden Duale said MPs will have enough time to scrutinise the bill and delete the clauses they will find unacceptable.

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